Journalistic Quest

Part VI: In which our heroine begins teaching in Federal Way, WA.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Exploring homeschooling

Homeschooling has been a hot topic for nearly a decade, and these books do a great job of exploring the pros and cons of traditional and homeschooling without being preachy or overly biased.

Ida B: And Her Plans To Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World, Katherine Hannigan

Ida B., who has a mind of her own and grand plans to match, returns to public school when her homeschooling mother falls ill. Provides a good critique on the pitfalls of public education at the same time that it highlights the best kind of teacher one can find there.

Surviving the Applewhites, Stephanie S. Tolan
I liked that this book gave a voice to some of the big criticisms of homeschooling (lack of structure, etc.), yet it wasn't a public service announcement for the idea. The story should appeal to reading and theater fans, as well as the students traditionally viewed as naughty.



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