Journalistic Quest

Part VI: In which our heroine begins teaching in Federal Way, WA.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

More on Delicious Library

A few points:

1. I graduated!

2. I'm going to be teaching at a fantastic school! I'll be in the Federal Way, WA school district, and I couldn't be happier.

Now that I know what's going to be happening to me come August, I've re-embarked on my mission to enter all my books into a database. I had originally begun this venture using, but I've switched to Delicious Library because I can upload my list to my iPod and bring it with me when I purchase new books. I utilized this perk today at Goodwill, and it proved invaluable.

I've had the week off, so I'll try to return to a more structured posting schedule next week.



  • At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    bibliophil has a PDA and mobile interface so that you can access your library from anywhere. Export to iPod? Don't you have the iPhone already? :)

  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger Shannon said…

    Ahh, but the trouble is that I use my bibliophil account to record what books I've read, regardless of whether I own the books or not. I keep Delicious Library solely to keep track of which books I own, so it's easier to just upload that than to run a search in bibliophil.



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